Emergency Management

The purpose of Emergency Management is to increase Ashland County's capabilities to respond to the hazards that threaten the County, all the while, preventing or reducing the impact of the hazards on the community. The purpose of Ashland County's Emergency Management program is to coordinate the activities of various departments responsible for continued operations during disasters, coordinate inter-local agreements for use of resources, communicate with state and federal agencies, and provide education and training.

Ashland County is committed to the welfare of our citizens and visitors. Our Emergency Management program is designed to respect this commitment; to maximize human safety and survival; to minimize danger; to preserve County property; to restore normal working conditions; and to assure responsive communications within the entire county and to surrounding counties, and media outlets.

The County's emergency operations plan is enacted whenever a natural disaster or other emergency affects the County. This plan is a tool for the County to accomplish its stated purposes efficiently and effectively, with a minimum of confusion, and with the best interests and safety of our community members in mind.


During an emergency or other large scale event, the Emergency Management Director may open the Emergency Operations Center.  The Emergency Management Center is a collection of people that coordinate the response to the event.

Ashland County Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan for 2025

Mitigation plans form the foundation for a community’s long-term strategy to reduce disaster losses and break the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction and repeated damage.


State, tribal and local governments are required to develop a hazard mitigation plan as a condition for receiving certain types of non-emergency disaster assistance. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288), as amended by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, provides the legal basis for state, local and tribal governments to undertake a risk-based approach to reducing risks from natural hazards through mitigation planning.


Local units of government participating in a multi-jurisdictional planning process like that which Ashland County endorsed must adopt the final plan for the municipality to be eligible for future mitigation funds including grants available through FEMA. Local units (i.e. towns, villages, cities) of government that do not participate would be ineligible to receive such funds until such time that they meet these requirements and adopt a plan.


Link to Draft Mitigation Plan 2025