Soil and Water Resource Management Cost-Share
The Land and Water Conservation Department provides technical assistance and the cost-share incentives to protect the environment. This is achieved through a variety of conservation practices to improve nutrient management, control soil erosion, and prevent non-point sources of pollution.
Financial assistance is provided to landowners through an annual cost-share program. Conservation practices focus on reducing sediment and nutrient delivery to our waters. Funding from the cost-share program may reimburse landowners for up to 70% of the project costs.
Some of the conservation practices eligible for cost-share include:
- Access Road or Cattle Crossing
- Manure Storage Systems or Manure Storage Closure
- Barnyard Runoff Control System
- Diversion and Waterways
- Grade Stabilization Structures
- Livestock Fencing
- Riparian Buffers
- Roof Runoff Systems
- Streambank and Shoreline Protection
- Well Decommissioning
- Wetland Restoration
-Not all of the programs and practices provided by the Land Conservation Department are listed. Please contact the department for additional information.
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